Who: Broken BackFacebookTwitterInstagramWebsite Why: Because I know you are fighting since you were born. Because Broken Back never disappointed me. Never!
Who: ELINA FacebookInstagram Why: Because I can't stand not having you. Because ELINA knows how to make someone sad in a beautiful way - two months ago she did that with "Champion", now she's doing it again. Where: SoundCloudSpotifyAppleMusicDeezer
Who: TARANTINAFacebookTwitterInstagramWebsite Why: Because I forget about you every day. Because she stole my heart with "Hunter" month ago and now she has proven that it was good stealing. Because TARANTINA is my biggest discovery of 2019 so far! Because she's painting her emotions with music - I can feel all the pain that she puts in every word in "Heal". Because it's one of the songs that are making you sit with an open face while listening to it.