sobota, 31 lipca 2021

EREZ - Dance It Away

Who: EREZ Facebook Instagram

Why: Because of a taste of escape...

Donkey Kid - Deep Blue

Who: Donkey Kid Instagram

Why: Because once upon a time I felt alive...

Tishmal - Bodies

Who: Tishmal Facebook Twitter Instagram Website

Why: Because I'm watching your soul take shape...

The KTNA - Can't Stop It

Who: The KTNA Twitter Instagram Website

Why: Because all is fair in war till it's you who is shot...

Abby Diamond - Cool Water

Who: Abby Diamond Facebook Twitter Instagram Website

Why: Because I could be the fantasy you saw...

alyse - i'll never be the same.

Who: alyse Twitter Instagram

Why: Because I'm learning how to let go of my guilt...

środa, 28 lipca 2021

New Favorite Band - ÄTNA

Who: ÄTNA Facebook Twitter Instagram Website

Why: Because one of my favorite duos ever - ÄTNA - released a new song a couple of days ago, so it's obvious that I had to share it with you... Wait, what? "One of his favorite duos ever and he never even shared any of their original songs here?". OK, let me tell you a short story...

It was the April of 2020, we were in the middle of the first lockdown, and I received a song by Martin Kohlstedt - it was called "Ksycha" and it had a note that it's the "ÄTNA Who Are You Rework". I was really impressed by the incredible electronic production of this track and I even put it on my Best of April 2020 playlist

Now we have to jump a couple of months ahead - it was the end of 2020, we were in the middle of the second lockdown, so I was intensively searching for some music that'd help me get through this shitty time. One day, during my daily YouTube check I've seen a song that was called "Ruining My Brain", I clicked on it, started listening, and - I'm not lying - I was taken to another world. It was love from first sight (or maybe hearing?)! The atmosphere, the unique composition (drop that starts at 2:45 destroyed my brain - in a positive way of course), the incredible level of production (they're from Berlin so I couldn't expect anything else). So, after repeating "Ruining My Brain" about 10 times in a row, I've started discovering ÄTNA - after a few hours, I've listened to everything that I was able to found on the Internet - including their full live set from one of the festivals. I was pretty sure - that's my new favorite band.

On the next day, I've followed them on every single social media that I'm using, I've shown them to my music soulmates, and I've promised myself that I have to write a longer article about them on CSGM. As you can see - keeping promises that I gave to myself is not my forte...

But let's start with the most important information - who are they? ÄTNA is a Berlin-based duo - singer and synth player Inéz Schäfer and drummer Demian Kappenstein. They're playing together since 2016 and they've released 2 EP's and one long-play. And when it came to describing their sound - pardon my French, but it's one of the most fuckin' incredible artistic indietronica that I've ever listened to. You may find so many influences, so many genres in their songs that without listening to their discography, you may not be able to understand why I'm so impressed. Especially that almost every one of their tracks is completely different, so they definitely aren't the ones to be pigeonholed. So, no more empty talking - check why I'm so in love! Let's start with the song that started all my journey with ÄTNA original releases:

"Ruining My Brain"

And if you still don't believe my words and think that the next song will be similar, just listen to this beautiful masterpiece:


I've decided that I'll share only 3 older ÄTNA songs with you. I don't want to ruin the pleasure of discovering their music on your own. So, I've spent the last 30 minutes trying to explain to myself which song should I choose and why - finally, without any reason, I've decided to show you:


It was only 3 songs but I believe that you understood why I can't stop listening to ÄTNA for almost a year. I highly recommend you checking literally everything that was made by them - including their amazing live sessions (just discovered that there's one that I haven't watched yet - already know what I'll be doing for the next 40 minutes).

But why am I writing this today? Well, because a couple of days ago I've received their new single to share and I was like: "Damn, Maciej, you fucked up...". So, sorry ÄTNA, you have to know that I love you even though my self-promises are empty words sometimes.

What about the new single? It's recorded with the 11-piece German techno marching band MEUTE and it's here:


Don't forget to check the rest of ÄTNA discography - I have to go now and watch that live I was talking about!

Where: Stream on your favorite service

NICOLAAS - (Baby I) Need Your Love (feat. eLZhi)


Why: Because you know how that goes, love ain’t simple...

Cyrano - Tundra

Who: Cyrano Facebook Instagram Website

Why: Because I don't understand why it's me that I can't find...

czwartek, 22 lipca 2021

Marian Hill - omg

Who: Marian Hill Facebook Twitter Instagram Website

Why: Because the night has only just begun...

Jaime Deraz x Bad Boyfriend - In & Out

Who: Jaime Deraz Twitter Instagram Website Bad Boyfriend Instagram Website

Why: Because some things are better left unsaid...

LX - Naked Truth

Who: LX Facebook Twitter Instagram Website

Why: Because you'll never fit a heart where it don't belong...

Where: Stream on your favorite service

Cece Vee - Black Light

Who: Cece Vee Facebook Twitter Instagram Website

Why: Because sometimes I visualized bad things happening to you...

Jenna Kyle - Ojos

Who: Jenna Kyle Facebook Twitter Instagram Website

Why: Because if it were up to me I'd kill your complications...

Nadia Kamrath - Fever Dream

Who: Nadia Kamrath Facebook Twitter Instagram

Why: Because all this time I waited for you...

niedziela, 11 lipca 2021

sobota, 10 lipca 2021

Saint Djuni - I'm Home Again

Who: Saint Djuni Facebook Instagram

Why: Because I can't sleep cause I'm talking with the devil...

Sainte Victoire - Hive Mind

Who: Sainte Victoire Facebook Instagram

Why: Because we'll be all better if we open our arms to forgiveness and love...

MAYN - Polyphonic

Who: MAYN Facebook Twitter Instagram Website

Why: Because I'll never gonna be the same...

Halfsesh - Think That

Who: Halfsesh Facebook Twitter Instagram

Why: Because I could never know what's going on in your head...

Kai Straw - Once Upon a Time in the Suburbs

Who: Kai Straw Facebook Twitter Instagram Website

Why: Because I still fake like my wings aren't broken...

TalkSick - 2 Complicated

Who: TalkSick Facebook Twitter Instagram

Why: Because I can't save you from you...